- Mick Hemmings rebuilds a Norton gearbox Very detailed (1.9 MB)
- Catalog for Bonham’s 2016 Stafford Auction (14.7 MB)
- Exhibitor Application for the 2016 Morgan Adams Concours (475 KB)
- Inside story of the Norton electric start system (1.4 MB)
- Factory brochures for the P-11 Ranger and 650 Mercury
- The manual by Smith’s Instruments on “The Care of Instruments” (6.3 MB)
- Commando Rebuild “by Peter Hatfield” (2.0 MB)
- Gear Box “Overhaul” (1.7 MB)
- The PDF from which the 2011 Calendar was printed (16.0 MB)
- 1971 Alf Hagon Products catalog (6.8 MB)
- A short video (by Jim Colt) from the October 30, 2011 Tech Day in which Jo Teague and Denny Westervelt used an imaginative arrangement of a large I-beam, 2x4s, clamps, chains, and bottle jacks to straighten the severely bent frame of Jo’s Commando. No Norton Colorado members were killed in the making of this video. As you can see, the geometry of the frame was certainly altered. Whether the term “straightened” is appropriate is under review. Depending on your browser settings the video may play or the file may be downloaded (5.8 MB).
- Old Bike Ride 16 (2018) – Short Video of the Start. Courtesy of Jo Teague (116 MB)
- Great Barrier Island – Magazine Article by Robin and Scott (641K)
- Norton Colorado Banner – The Banner by Eric Bergman (63 MB)
- Old Bike Ride 18